Done and dusted

So what’s learning.

I saw many people in 70s 60s 80s , limping and over weight and sick

Next Year I hit 50. So I need to put more effort in Physical fitness. More out door activity

started liking silence. that too important.

few friends …. Good …. always , but no one know i write blog

reading… as usual more books buying , less reading

podcast – now addicated

gym – started liking

walk … going well

swimming – need more

Prayer – i need to continue what i do now

Happy New year to me and all others.


You avoid your soul ?

Do you want to face yourself/ which is not easy

it is easy to live a life of fantasy and pleasure . Soul is your subconscious mind . Your essence.

when you die , the ” thing” which is not die. This is Soul ” Never Die”

All this assumption based on Jung Reading.

“The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond, and must be polished, or the luster of it will never appear.”
― Daniel Defoe

Red Book

#Jung: “In nature, there is an enormous waste of seeds – of potential. Look at this pear tree: how many blossoms and how many seeds go to waste! It is just the same with humans – what a ridiculous number of humans there are, and so few who are really #conscious! The overwhelming abundance of life forms is evidence of an enormous creative power. God had to create the world in order for there to be an object for his #consciousness.”

If you read this , you think there is something wrong with creation

But you read Nisargadatta Mahahraj

“All you want is to be happy. All your desires, whatever they may be, are longing for happiness. Basically, you wish yourself well…desire by itself is not wrong. It is life itself, the urge to grow in knowledge and experience. It is choices you make that are wrong. To imagine that some little thing-food, sex, power, fame-will make you happy is to decieve oneself. Only something as vast and deep as your real self can make you truly and lastingly happy.”

So I read / sorry listen some podcast about red book. It explore our inner life

The conflict , the expectations , sanity and divinity and insanity .

Very deep .

feeling and thinking. darkness and light

Logical and illogical . All this sides of coin


Basic is to walk

Basic is to Read. Basic is to sleep at right time

Basic is to have a good relationship with your family and friends

Basic is to say thank you for all the blessings you have.

Risk come when you completely blow up.

You should not trade your full capital. if your move wrong you don’t have a second chance to trade.

success comes when you have long term view. your cumulative of return should be good. Few failure will not define you.


How was 2023

You sleep every day without doing exercise

You eat every day junk food

you think every day about craving and desire?

cumulatively are you successful.

That is the question i have to answer.

Reality Vs Symbol



children running , car, book , floor , my body, feeling little cold … All other which is vible.

Also note : we get old but our eyes don’t grow or old till we die.


Basically our thoughts and virtual world.

Our ( Made up world) where we desire and crave

so transition should be from virtual to real world where Stones are real


My company is books and dead authors . My interest very much clear.

so mind is not distracted by day to day life as much before.

Do i get angery?

do i feel down?

of course i do. But my realization of my state of mind is fast and recover fast.

what make me clam.

ideas , books and good conversations.

I would love to be silent and avoid someone who overly judgemental

I think best skill is to be ” silent ” when necessary.


you get to choose what you want, But you must get clear about what you want . This is your work


Money …. So the question is How to get Money

Through knowledge / specific knowledge.

Before god, before relationship, before peace of mind make money

That is essential for all other things.

As early as possible if you complete this task, you can sit and relax and thing ” What is this life?”

Write to figure out your own problems and embrace your own style, not to pander to the audience. ( Morgan Housel)

I do not know when i reach that number ( Many never know what number they want)

But i know i am in the right path.

A Room of Ones OWn

You must have a room / certain day/ or hour

This is like a creative incubation

As you get older / sometimes you want to run away from business of life/ You sit idle / looking out side window/ you are not too alert/ you are passive / sitting/ but not much an active mind

A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction. ( wolf)

Intellectual freedom depends upon material things. (…) Women have had less intellectual freedom than the sons of Athenian slaves. Women, then, have not had a dog’s chance of writing poetry. That is why I have laid so much stress on money and a room of one’s own.

This is different context .

But sitting alone, without any concern

But antidote is if you are forced to be idle and nothing to do….

that’s another terrible.

I have lots of time to sit…..

sit and think,

sit and read

sit and dream

sit and write a note in my mind

sit and plan

sit and nap.

The Power Of Now

love joy and peace cannot flourish until you have freed yourself from mind dominance.

feel the inner body when you are active in your daily life

the physical energy is subject to cycle.

This Year

When we say This year ” What Year you mean? 2023

They years Before that … The year you start your memory. I do not remember anything about an year.

I remember evets . good memory and passing memeory

When i am sitting in a bus , which will soon reach my native place , ” I see dense dark trees standing close to the bus” bit of darkness. i am sitting but i am bending because bus is moving through an hair pin road.

i remember the road , i see cow. when i walk towards my house , some peculiar voice of ….

it pierce through my ear. a severe annoying noise.

2023 end and soon start 2024

what difference it make in me. How many more years? Who knows

we ( There is no we, Only I) don’t see it that way. I think best thing is

I was there before i bone , i am there after i dead

Philosophy . But I am that

That which I know in my body and mind

That is what it is .

Today 07/12/2023 = What is my New Year resoultion

Live Middle way

Means – be calm when things go wrong, things Good. Live in middle not in extremes.

so you know beach, road, grass, water and you watch like an owl