
I have to climb a big mountain.

it is my fear, skeptism and laziness

I stop and start every day. How can I run up and reach fast the peak

It is not possible, But all the day I dream the same

Easy way Easy Money Easy Pleasure

Hard Life.


 Quality is the “knife-edge” of experience, found only in the present.

I cant express the ” Feeling ” I go through when I watch a piece of Art or Read an exquisite Book.

I have no intention to elaborate what I experienced .

And it may be a failed attempt probable because the reader have no choice but to read my monologue .


I think this we learn in our growing stage. You should smile a person who smile at you.

But if you give it first, people will give you back.

I think we sometimes use ” Thankless guys”

Its and emotion feeling inside. But you acknowledge that.

“I have the true feeling of myself only when I am unbearably unhappy.” This is told bY kafka

Positive thinking 2023

You wanted to maintain this all day, you have to take some tough decision.

avoid people Who



say negative stories

see the negative side of everthing

always in trouble

always see future as bleak

always met with some kind of accidents

The problem is there is this mentality ” You should be kind and generous to everyone ”

But if your energy is sipping away when you are being with someone

Avoid. World is Big enough and full of people.

What is Fun

it is really very hard & tough question?

For me fun is eating avolose unda ( sweet hard nice Kerala dish)

But the problem is you cant have many? That means fun is restricted in some way.

No fun can be endless, long or all time.

it is time restricted . I like to read … I read few hours , few days, sometimes i feel don’t like to read. so I walk. But How far can i walk.

My fun is not your fun. My dream is not your dream




drink hot tea

just looking the sea

listen the sound of birds


49 Best exercise

Just ask morning chatgpt

It’s great that you’re interested in exercising! According to WebMD, workouts for 49-year-old males should include cardio or aerobic exercise to build endurance and burn calories, strength or weight training to keep muscles ready for action, and flexibility exercises to stay limber and avoid injury. It is recommended to start with just five to 10 minutes of light exercise per day, gradually working your way up to 20 to 30 minutes, focusing on the basics: light cardio, bodyweight exercises and stretching¹.

so this is chatgpt

best exercise is common all over the world

light cardio, bodyweight exercises and stretching¹.

walking push ups yoga

where is swimming. The problem with Tools like chatgpt. everything perfect.

Blockchain mediation

something silly ” If you can do something about it . Do it. Other wise why worry”

it is related to what our mind do , ” Mountain out of it”

what is like you? Experiential side of you.

are you a pack of neuron ?

sense is an illusion ” ego, monkey chatting, fear , conscious emotion ”

What Really simulate you?






How you design your life after you achieving your finical freedom?

are you consider yourself as incredibly lucky?

do you have someone who listen you without any preconceived notion?

Are you in………..?


As usual everything from the mind evaporate when I sit Infront of the key board.

mind makes stories as usual. But when you ” aware ” that mind makes stories / fear/ dreams , awareness remain.

aware the pain

reject the stories about the Pain

Physical pain or Psychosocial pain is more severe

They ( she, daughter, son , father, friend …..) not considering me. Is that ( Monkey chat ) Make you mad.